CPHI制药在线 资讯 厄贝沙坦药物报告(irbesartan Drug Report)
厄贝沙坦药物报告(irbesartan Drug Report)
热门推荐: 厄贝沙坦 FDA 赛诺菲




















       厄贝沙坦是血管紧张素II受体(AT1亚型)拮抗剂,通过与AT1血管紧张素II受体选择性的结合,以阻断血管紧张素II所引起的血管收缩和醛固酮分泌作用。该药用于治疗成人原发性高血压,也可作为降压药物治疗方案的一部分,用于高血压和2型糖尿病成年患者的肾病治疗。Aprovel为口服薄膜衣片剂,每片含有75 mg、150 mg或300 mg厄贝沙坦。推荐起始剂量为每次150 mg,每日1次,空腹或随餐服用均可。




       C09CA04 心血管系统 > 作用于肾素-血管紧张素系统的药物 > 血管紧张素II拮抗药,单方 > 血管紧张素II拮抗药,单方


       Angiotensin II AT-1 receptor antagonist


       Type-1 angiotensin II receptor; Transcription factor AP-1


       Irbesartan is a nonpeptide tetrazole derivative and an angiotensin II antagonist that selectively blocks the binding of angiotensin II to the AT1 receptor. In the renin-angiotensin system, angiotensin I is converted by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) to form angiotensin II. Angiotensin II stimulates the adrenal cortex to synthesize and secrete aldosterone, which decreases the excretion of sodium and increases the excretion of potassium. Angiotensin II also acts as a vasoconstrictor in vascular smooth muscle. Irbesartan, by blocking the binding of angiotensin II to the AT1 receptor, promotes vasodilation and decreases the effects of aldosterone. The negative feedback regulation of angiotensin II on renin secretion is also inhibited, but the resulting rise in plasma renin concentrations and consequent rise in angiotensin II plasma concentrations do not counteract the blood pressure–lowering effect that occurs. The action of ARBs is different from ACE inhibitors, which block the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, meaning that the production of angiotensin II is not completely inhibited, as the hormone can be formed via other enzymes. Also, unlike ACE inhibitors, irbesartan and other ARBs do not interfere with response to bradykinins and substance P, which allows for the absence of adverse effects that are present in ACE inhibitors (eg. dry cough).

















   肖女士    021-33392297    Kelly.Xiao@imsinoexpo.com

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