Conference Overview

With regard to the inhalation market China, the medical need to treat respiratory diseases in China is unfortunately also rapidly growing. Due mainly to population growth and industrial growth in Chinese cities, increased air pollution is becoming a major cause of human respiratory diseases. According to the Global Initiative for Asthma, there are more than 500 million asthma patients worldwide, with over 30 million in China. This number is increasing with 4% a year.

In 2013, the 1st DPI China Technology Conference was held with great success. In response to participants request, we are happy to announce and invite you to the 8th DPI China online conference! Presentations will be held by experts in the field of development of dry powder inhaler (DPI) products. The industry interest in China is very explainable as the Chinese pharmaceutical industry is rapidly growing into a dominant player in the global market. The theme of the symposium is to focus on the new technology, market trend, regulatory etc of DPI development and provide the platform to network with local and global industry.

Conference Program


Zhen-Yong WANG
General Manager
Shanghai HuaRui Aerosol Co., Ltd.
President IDDA
Xiao-Yi YANG
Marketing and Business Development Manager
Nephele LU
Product Specialist
Gray HE
Sales Manager
Da-Ning ZHAO
Board Member and GM, APAC
Harro Hoefliger
Jack NIU
Sales Manager
Dec Group
Yi-Fei YAO
General Manager
Hanfei (Shanghai) Packaging Technology Co. Ltd.
Product Specialist
Ross Blezard
Product Application Specialist
DFE Pharma

DPI China

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