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Ammonium ferric citrate effervescent granules (Furui Ming ®) -- iron contrast agent for oral magneti

Ammonium ferric citrate effervescent granules (Furui Ming ®) -- iron contrast agent for oral magneti

  • 主要销售市场:北美洲,中/南美洲,西欧,东欧,大洋洲,亚洲,中东,非洲
  • 提供样品:

Introduction: the product was first developed in China by Beiriku Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. It is used in magnetic resonance abdominal examination. It is a double relative contrast agent: positive contrast agent in T1 examination and negative contrast agent in T2 examination.


Indications: Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen, the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, duodenum and jejunum).


Usage and Dosage: For adults, take one bag, dissolved in 300ml water, orally.If necessary, take 2 bags orally, dissolved in the same amount of water.MRI is usually performed within 5 to 20 minutes of taking the drug.


Adverse reaction: foreign clinical data reported that 0.1-0.5% of patients appeared diarrhea;0.1% showed nausea, vomiting and decreased appetite.Very few patients have stomach discomfort and abdominal distension.The above symptoms can be resolved spontaneously.




1) Excess iron load,


2) People with iron allergy,


3) Patients with or suspected of complete intestinal obstruction or perforation.




1. Use with caution in the following patients: gastrointestinal patients with peptic ulcer, peptic colitis, local enteritis and other gastrointestinal patients.


2. Black stool appears after administration, which is a normal phenomenon.


3. Possible false positive occult blood.






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