CPHI制药在线 资讯 哪些患者可以参加瑞德西韦(Remdesivir)新冠病毒肺炎临床试验?






       图1. 瑞德西韦(Remdesivir)结构

       一. Mild/Moderate 2019-nCoV Remdesivir RCT(针对轻/中症2019新冠肺炎患者)

       该试验(NCT04252664)主要针对轻/中症2019新冠肺炎患者,计划入组308例,受试者入组后将被随机分入试验组(接受Remdesivir治疗)或对照组(安慰剂),第一天给与Remdesivir或安慰剂负荷剂量200mg,然后连续9天给与Remdesivir或安慰剂维持剂量100mg IV QD。


       图2. Mild/Moderate 2019-nCoV Remdesivir RCT(来源:ClinicalTrials.gov)

       1、 入组标准:

       (1)Age ≥18 years at time of signing Informed Consent Form


       (2)Laboratory (RT-PCR) confirmed infection with 2019-nCoV


       (3)Lung involvement confirmed with chest imaging


       (4)Hospitalised with:

       ※Fever - ≥36.7℃ -axilla or Oral temperature ≥ 38.0 ℃ or ≥38.6°C tympanic or rectal or

       ※And at least one of Respiratory rate >24/min Or Cough

       因发热和呼吸频率或咳嗽原因住院:腋下温度≥36.7℃,或口腔温度≥38.0℃,或直肠温度或耳温≥38.6°C;且呼吸频率> 24次/分,或有咳嗽

       (5)≤8 days since illness onset


       (6)Willingness of study participant to accept randomization to any assigned treatment arm.


       (7)Must agree not to enroll in another study of an investigational agent prior to completion of Day 28 of study.


       2、 排除标准:

       (1)Physician makes a decision that trial involvement is not in patients' best interest, or any condition that does not allow the protocol to be followed safely


       (2)Severe liver disease (e.g. Child Pugh score ≥ C, AST>5 times upper limit)

       存在严重的肝 脏疾病(例如:Child Pugh评分≥ C级,谷草转氨酶AST超过正常值上限5倍)

       (3)SaO2/SPO2≤94% in room air condition, or the Pa02/Fi02 ratio <300mgHg

       室内空气条件下,患者的SaO2/SPO2≤94%;或Pa02/Fi02 <300mgHg

       (4)Known allergic reaction to remdesivir


       (5)Patients with known severe renal impairment (estimated glomerular filtration rate ≤30 mL/min/1.73 m2) or receiving continuous renal replacement therapy, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis

       已知患者存在严重肾功能不全(估计egfr≤30mL/min/1.73m2),或正在接受连续性肾 脏替代治疗,血液透析,腹膜透析

       (6)Pregnant or breastfeeding, or positive pregnancy test in a predose examination


       (7)Will be transferred to another hospital which is not the study site within 72 hours


       (8)Receipt of any experimental treatment for 2019-nCoV (off-label, compassionate use, or trial related) within the 30 days prior to the time of the screening evaluation


       二. Severe 2019-nCoV Remdesivir RCT(针对重症2019新冠肺炎患者)

       该试验(NCT04257656)主要针对重症2019新冠肺炎患者,计划入组452例(该例数为ClinicalTrials.gov所登记,比新闻报道453例少1例),受试者入组后将被随机分入试验组(接受Remdesivir治疗)或对照组(安慰剂),第一天给与Remdesivir或安慰剂负荷剂量200mg,然后连续9天给与Remdesivir或安慰剂维持剂量100mg IV QD。


       图3. Severe 2019-nCoV Remdesivir RCT(来源:ClinicalTrials.gov)


       (1)Age ≥18 years at time of signing Informed Consent Form


       (2)Laboratory (RT-PCR) confirmed infection with 2019-nCoV


       (3)Lung involvement confirmed with chest imaging


       (4)Hospitalized with a SaO2/SPO2≤94% on room air or Pa02/Fi02 ratio <300mgHg

       因SaO2/SPO2≤94%(室内空气条件下)或Pa02/Fi02 <300mgHg住院

       (5)≤12 days since illness onset


       (6)Willingness of study participant to accept randomization to any assigned treatment arm.


       (7)Must agree not to enroll in another study of an investigational agent prior to completion of Day 28 of study.



       (1)Physician makes a decision that trial involvement is not in patients' best interest, or any condition that does not allow the protocol to be followed safely


       (2)Severe liver disease (e.g. Child Pugh score ≥ C, AST>5 times upper limit)

       存在严重的肝 脏疾病(例如:Child Pugh评分≥ C级,谷草转氨酶AST超过正常值上限5倍)

       (3)Pregnant or breastfeeding, or positive pregnancy test in a predose examination


       (4)Patients with known severe renal impairment (estimated glomerular filtration rate ≤30 mL/min/1.73 m2) or receiving continuous renal replacement therapy, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis

       已知患者存在严重肾功能不全(估计egfr≤30mL/min/1.73m2),或正在接受连续性肾 脏替代治疗,血液透析,腹膜透析

       (5)Will be transferred to another hospital which is not the study site within 72 hours.


       (6)Receipt of any experimental treatment for 2019-nCoV (off-label, compassionate use, or trial related) within the 30 days prior to the time of the screening evaluation.





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   肖女士    021-33392297    Kelly.Xiao@imsinoexpo.com

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