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您的位置:首页 >> 制药产品大全 >> 天然提取物 >> 植物提取物 >> 卡瓦提取物



  • 包装规格:25kg/桶
  • 付款方式:T/T,PAYPAL,or other
  • 订单交货周期:3~5天
  • 认证/标准:营业执照,Kosher 证,ISO2000,HALAL 证,中国质量认证书
  • 合同定制:CRO,CMO
  • 主要销售市场:北美洲,中/南美洲,西欧,东欧,大洋洲,亚洲,中东,非洲
  • 提供样品:
  • 样品政策:20g以内免费样品
【英文名称】Kava Extract
【C A S 号】9000-38-8
【产品规格】卡瓦内酯(Kavalactones)≥30%50% 70%
【来 源】胡椒科植物卡瓦Piper methysticum的干燥根提取物。
【产  地】分布于南太平洋岛国:斐济、瓦努阿图、玻利尼西亚等地.
【性 状】主根直径1cm,侧根5-8枝,深褐色,带毛根,根体长度大于8cm,气辛辣,味略酸。
【化学成分】卡瓦内酯,卡瓦吡喃酮等。具体6种卡瓦胡椒内酯 :即醉椒素、二氢醉椒素、醉椒苦素、二氢醉椒苦素、甲氧基醉椒素和去甲氧基醉椒素。
卡瓦是kavakava英文译名( 卡哇、卡瓦、咔瓦、佳华、咔哇、洋哥那、扬格纳等)。
卡瓦胡椒(Piper methysticum Forst)生长期2-5年,高2-4米,根茎8厘米,卡瓦植物野生或栽培,根和茎入药,卡瓦根茎药食兼用,卡瓦胡椒的主要药效成分:醉椒素、二氢醉椒素、醉人素、二氢醉人素、羊高宁以及去甲羊高宁等,此外还有含有少量的生物碱和酰胺类物质,另外还有卡哇酸、胡椒酸、等十八种有机酸和多种醇类。还含钠、钾、钙、镁、铝、铁、硅等无机元素,葡萄糖类及15种氨基酸,含多种维生素。
What is kava?
Kava (Piper methysticum) is a shrub belonging to the pepper family,Piperaceae. The root or stump of the shrub contains kavalactones, which have sedative and muscle-relaxant effects.
Other names
Kava is also known as "kava kava",kawa(Fiji),waka(Fiji),lewena(Fiji),yaqona(Fiji),grog(Fiji),sakau(Pohnpei),'awa(Hawaii),'ava(Samoa) andwati(New Guinea).
What does it look like?
Kava can be in the form of a brown powder, in capsules, extracts, drops or mixed as a brownish-coloured drink.
How and why is it used?
Kava drinking in the Pacific Islands
Traditionally, Pacific Islanders crushed, chewed and ground the root and stump of the shrub, then soaked it in cold ** to produce a drink for use in ceremonies and other cultural practices. Kava-drinking rituals helped to strengthen ties among groups, to reaffirm status and rank in the community, and to communicate with the spirits.
Many Pacific Islanders who have settled in Australia continue their cultural practice of drinking kava, and in recent decades other Australians have taken up kava drinking, or using products containing kava extracts.
Kava drinking in Australia
In the 1980s, kava was introduced to Australian Indigenous communities in the north of Australia. It was thought that substituting alcohol with kava would reduce alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms.
These days, kava drinking is not limited to ceremonies and traditional use. It is often used more heavily and for its sedative, hypnotic and muscle-relaxant effects, in much the same way that alcohol is used.
Herbal preparations
Kava extract is used in some herbal preparations. These manufactured tablets and preparations are sold as over-the-counter medicines to treat insomnia and to relieve stress and anxiety.
Effects of kava
The effects of any drug (including kava) vary from person to person. How kava affects a person depends on many things including their size, weight and health, also whether the person is used to taking it. The effects of kava, as with any drug, also depend on the amount taken.
There is no safe level of drug use.Use of any drug always carries some risk—even medications can produce unwanted side effects. It is important to be careful when taking any type of drug.
Physical effects
Moderate doses
Kava acts as a sedative and muscle relaxant. Drinking it in moderate amounts can make a person feel happy, sleepy and relaxed. It can also numb the mouth and throat and reduce the person's appetite.
Higher doses
Drinking large amounts of kava may result in sleepiness, nausea and loss of muscle control.
Excessive use of kava has been associated with a number of health-related problems. Some of the unpleasant side effects include:
bloodshot eyes
dry, scaly skin
malnutrition and severe weight loss
increased susceptibility to infections
loss of muscle control
 shortness of breath
chest pains
high blood pressure.
Psychological effects of kava
Excessive use of kava has been associated with mood swings and a general state of apathy. Psychological problems such as depression and schizophrenia may be complicated by excessive use of kava.






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