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专访:亿腾景昂药业首席技术官Deepak Hegde

https://www.cphi.cn   2021-01-25 18:32 来源:CPhI制药在线

本次展会,制药在线很荣幸采访到亿腾景昂药业首席技术官Deepak Hegde,探讨如下话题。


       2020年12月16日-18日,由Informa Markets和中国医药保健品进出口商会主办、上海博华国际展览有限公司协办的“第二十届世界制药原料中国展”携手“第十五届世界制药机械、包装设备与材料中国展”于上海新国际博览中心隆重举行。制药在线作为CPhI & P-MEC China 展会官方线上B2B平台深度参与了这场制药工业盛会,通过现场采访十余位制药行业资深专家学者传递行业之声,展望中国制药的创新发展趋势。

       本次展会,制药在线很荣幸采访到亿腾景昂药业首席技术官Deepak Hegde,探讨如下话题:


       1、Do you think there will be a change on the Drug R&D directions in a post-pandemic future? What are the main trends for drug discovery/drug manufacturing in the future 5-10 years?

       2、Which pharmaceutical field will the continuous flow manufacturing be largely applied? Is there a possiblity for the technology to be widely used in the future? What's the applying situation in western countries? What are the main obstacles for transfering from scale batches to continuous flow?

       3、What are the challenges do you think the Chinese pharmaceutical companies face to produce quality generics which meet the international standard? What are the key points for the Chinese pharma enterprise to succeed in win the global market?/What quality do you think a good MAH should have?

       4、What can the Chinese pharmaceutical companies learn from the experience of the western countires on CMC in development of chemical drugs and bio-logical drugs? How can we avoid receiving an FDA warning letter?

       5、Do you think the pharmaceutical manufacturers in western countries are more likely to accept new thechnologies and ideas? What's the reason of that? What should the pharmaceutical companies do to embrace and adapt to the drug manufacturing in the new ages? What do you expect that the Chinese pharmaceutical to be in the future?


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